Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm baaack in the saddle again!

Just like Steven Tyler once sang. Well, I'm not back in that saddle quite yet. Rachel is in Africa, but the Doc did give me the go ahead today. It was nice to put some pressure on the pedals and actually have the bike go forward. I kept seeing images of a TV in front of me, but none were there.

Man it felt gooooooooood. Kind of funny how a couple of hours of intervals will make you want to get off the bike even after riding indoors for 7 weeks. Especially those overunder intervals. Those damn things worked me over. Basically you spend 8 minutes just under your lactate threshold power (or heartrate) and then 2 minutes just at or over. However, the kicker to these intervals is you don't get a break before the next one. It's back down to just under LT for 8 minutes and then back at and over LT. Let's do one more and then you get to take a 5 minute break! After the break, it's back to another. I only got 2 in on the second set. I'm going to say I ran out of time for the 3rd one. I swear it had nothing to do with me wussing out.

Later Skater

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