Sunday, June 12, 2005

Cranial Numbness

Damnitalltohell. It started raining last night, and it hasn't freaking quit. I live in Colorado for chrissake. You wouldn't know it from the last few weeks. Reminds me of a winter back in Georgia. I didn't mind it so much when I was stuck on that godforsaken indoor trainer, but now I'm good to go. Good to go and it's wetter than a, well it's freaking wet outside.

I guess that's ok since it's kind of a rest week for me this week, and I've felt like ass this past week. Up until yesterday that is. Now, I'm really wanting to ride.

Maybe I'll watch this basketball championship game. It's the funniest thing you've ever seen. Looks like they are playing on artificial turf and have shoulder pads on. There aren't any hoops either. Strange.

If you are looking for some good reading, check this blog post out. I'm not the biggest fan of Mr. Dean and unlike this guy, I think his yelp was a legitimate campaign killer. However, there is some truth to this post. Most everyone I know thinks politicians are worthless snakes in the grass, but the same people aren't willing to admit that it is them as part of our current society that has created today's politician. If people don't want to really hear the truth, they aren't going to get it, and then you get these mannequins that spew out line after line of sanitized blather.

Wait a minute. I thought Colorado's basketball team was the Denver Nuggets. Who are the Colorado Crush?

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