Saturday, May 05, 2007

A little late/Deer Trail RR

Everyone and their respective brothers has blogged about this race. At 77 advertised miles (ended up being 75), it would equal my longest ride of the year. That was during my base phase, so that one was a lot slower.

Not much to say about this one. It was fun. Close to 90 guys started. We were on narrow road, and we only had half the road the whole time because the centerline rule was in effect. I really didn't make much of an effort to be at the front of the pack at the start because I thought I would have plenty of time to work my way up. Well, that didn't happen. Each time I made some progress, a group of guys would come up the opposite side. I guess I still have a thing or two to learn about moving up in the group, but I'm making progress. I'm sure it will all be lost once the dirt season starts.

Anyway, I sat in the whole time because of this lack of ability to get up. Found my self in the main group in the last few miles of steep rollers. Legs still felt good, and I hoped to wind up in a sprint. Three guys got off the front with about a mile to go. I guess that prevented the group I was in from picking up the pace, and it never really strung out at all. As we were coming into the last few hundred meters to the finish, there were guys all across the half road we had, so even though the legs felt good, there wasn't much I could do with them. So I finished in the main group. The back of the main group. I guess it doesn't matter if I was 29th or 8th in that group. Oh well. Good times nonetheless.

Here is the motionbased file:

I've been struggling a bit of late. Questionable scheduling for my training, and a little over-enjoyment on the beer scene have worn me out a bit. I'm not quite as disciplined with that this year. Last year I would have a beer or two on Saturday nights. There have been a couple of times this year were I've probably had one too many. Especially last weekend with the Braves in town. Of course, the game I made it to the fockers lost. I went to the Falling Rock and had a Rochefort 10. Heaven in a bottle. Is it a coincidence that it's brewed by monks?

So as I said, I've been struggling a bit this week. I've had a vague training schedule, so I've been pushing the envelope a bit too much maybe. I felt better today, but the legs were a little fatigued. I tried to make the Chatfield hammerfest, but I got down there and realized I left my water bottles at home. Not sure if anyone would have been there with races going on this weekend. I drove home and rode from home. I ended up at the same place climbing Deer Creek Canyon. I went it to the climb kind of mellow, but but the number looked good, so I decided to get a Functional Threshold average. I ended up climbing longer than the 20 minutes required for that, and my pace was a little bit lower in the beginning. My average ended up being pretty good. My weight is down from last year so my power/weight ratio is looking pretty good. The only thing I'm concerned about was that I was pretty worked after that effort.

I'm almost through with the first week of a big 2 week training block. My first mountain bike races are next weekend. I'm sure those will hurt considering the volume and intensity I will have in me going into them. It should be fun. It's all part of the master plan.

Time to finish my Collaboration Not Litigation Ale. Cheers!

Oh yeah, I have some pictures from the Moab trip. I'll get those up later.


tortoiseshelly said...

I think my brother-in-law might have been in that same race, but I could be mistaken. I know he was doing a pretty lengthy one, while my sister was in Vegas for her friends birthday. Or maybe that's the race he's doing the first weekend of June. I can't remember.

We got new bikes today! Obviously, nothing extremely high caliber - just built with enough comfort that we will actually get off our duffs and ride.

ALAN said...

Bikes are fun. New bikes are really fun!

What is your Bro-in-law's name?

tortoiseshelly said...

I'll email you.