Wednesday, June 28, 2006


So I hear about this this morning while listening to NPR. Not a good thing when I'm pepped up on espresso. I hear some moron Senator from Alabama explaining why we needed this amendment and I got royally pissed off. In fact, I felt that way throughout my commute to work.

Don't get me wrong, I love baseball (die hard Braves fan), hot dogs(with mustard), and PBR (in a can), but the fact that this Amendment only failed by one vote amazes me. Talk about desecration. One of the greatest documents in the history of man was almost desecrated with this Amendment. My and every other United States citizen's freedom of speech was almost restricted. Bad things happen in bad times. I'll be glad when this war and administration are gone. I don't know how much further deterioration of my rights I can handle.

While doing a little reading for this post, I found out that my local Democratic Senator voted for this Amendment. I knocked on doors at night in some very questionable neighborhoods for this man. I'll not vote for him again. If you live in Colorado and feel the way I do, give him a ring.
If you don't live in Colorado and your Senator voted for this Amendment, look them up and give them a ring.

On a side note, I guess ol' Frank is anti-American too.

Edited to add my letter to Senator Salazar:
Senator Salazar,

I am writing to inform you of my utter dismay and great disappointment after discovering that you voted for the Flag Desecration Amendment.

I spent many evening and weekend hours last year knocking on many doors in an effort to get you and Senator Kerry elected. Unfortunately, only one of you was victorious, but I took pride in the fact that I possibly helped deliver you to your seat.

After reading about your yea vote for this Amendment, I can assure you that will not be the case come time for your re-election. In fact, do not be surprised if you see me working for the other side. Even if that means I have to knock on doors for a Republican.

Had this resolution passed, you and your colleagues may have prevented desecration of our beautiful flag (and yes, I do believe it is a beautiful flag), but you would have scarred one of the most beautiful documents known to man.

Every day I fear the further deterioration of our freedoms due to the Republican controlled congress and current administration. Now, I have to fear the very people I voted for to defend my freedoms.



Anonymous said...

I'm just sick of Republicans and Democrats alike spending time on nonsense like this. HELLO PEOPLE, THERE ARE BIGGER ISSUES TO RESOLVE!!

I truly have had it with the lot of them, as they only care about who controls the majority in D.C. and not whether anything might actually move the country forward. Kerry actually stated in a clip I saw that Democrats wanted to control the House and Senate just to block Republican legislation.

I don't care who the fuck the legislation comes from as long as it's a) not full of pork projects and b) actually helps the American people in some manner. I don't see how any effective leader can just take the attitude that they will block any opposing party measure. So Kerry bites for that particular reason, if nothing else.

On the whole, I think Democrats on the whole have their collective heads in the clouds on some pretty important issues, while Republicans are overreacting to everything.

You want a privacy issue that will piss you off, how about the Senate UNANIMOUSLY passing that damned Real ID Card last year. Forget the flag and marriage amendment - WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT UNDERCOVER SHIT?!!!

ALAN said...

I'll not have such foul language on my blog. The only time the the F word is allowed is when you are making fun of someone or something. Thank you for your support. ;-)