Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sunday Morning

Well, well. Here I sit typing on the computer not accomplishing anything. I won't even get up to turn on the TV. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I like to catch Meet The Press if I'm around on Sunday morning.

Oh good, Condi is on telling is why it was ok for good ol' boy W to spy on us without warrants. We don't need that 4th Amendment anyway.

Normally I get a one ride in and one skate ski in on the weekend during this time of year. I rode yesterday, and I don't see myself getting ready and making the drive to the mountains. It's a little chilly down here and up there. If I were up there, I would probably wax up the skis and head out, but I'm not making the drive so ski in single digit temperatures. I guess it's another day on the trainer. Oh boy! My entertainment choices for the thrilling adventure are as follows: football on the TV/Ipod in the ears, Dazed and Confused on the TV, 2004 Paris-Roubaix with or without the IPod. I wish I had the '05 running on DVD.

Yesterday I was on the trainer too. It was my first "field test" of the new training season. The field tests are, in my situation, two 8 minute maximal efforts with a 10 minute rest inbetween. The reason for the test is to give me a rough idea of what my lactate threshold for watts and heart rate is. Considering the long work week and the fact that I thought good preparation would be drinking too much the night before, I was happy with my results. They were better than the last test I did, which, was back in April after some intensity training. The only intestine training I have had lately are the sporadic cyclocross races I've been doing and some moderate skate skiing. Granted, the test in April was outside on rolling terrain, and yesterday's test was inside, but the improvements were substantial. If only my stomach would participate in these improvements.

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