Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Fucking Thanksgiving

I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to my family back in Georgia that understood why I needed to move to Colorado. They understood so very well that they stopped talking to me. I think we are going on 4 years now. Thanks family. I'll always remember you.

Yeah. Sarcasm, but really dough, it was a good thanksgiving. I cooked my first turkey. A 14 lbs. honker. It turned out really well. I surprised myself. Me and my boy C-Dog pulled of a traditional meal. Turkey, mashed taters, green bean casserole, dressing (from scratch beeatch), and a lot of booze. If I say so myself, it was pretty damn good.

C-dog and I went out last night to the Larimer Lounge to catch a couple of bands. I wore my Dopers Suck t-shirt out. That usually gets A LOT of funny looks and a few odd comments. Most people don't understand the meaning behind the shirt. A cycling brotha from Boulder started the theme. He doesn't know me, but I appreciate what he does within the community.

Back to the show. We saw Born Under the Flood and Munly & The Lee Lewis Harlots. Both very good bands seen at a lo lo price. I love the Larimer Lounge and haven't been there in about a year. It was a lot more smoky this time around, but that's a small price to pay. After C-dog and I were done with the music, we called the 7s and the 3s. Those are the local cabbies. They never showed up, and we ended up taking a hike about 10 blocks away. Let me tell you, it wasn't warm.

By the time we caught a cab, we had both decided it was time to hit the Denver Diner. As you can guess, it was time for a nice greasy breakfast. I had the Ranch Breakfast. I won't go into the details, but it was hell of a lot of food for a low price. The result of the late night breakfast was getting bed at 3:30 and waking up at 9:30. That's a late start on today's meal, but we pulled it off. We even managed to fit in a 3.5 mile jog. We also hit the trifecta. Liquor, wine, and beer. All good shit.

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday, so I would really like to send a word of appreciation out to my true friends, which, are my true family. I hope you all had a good one. I did. Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow, but if tradition holds true, it should be slow and we'll watch a little college pigskin.

I feel like I had a lot more to say, but I guess I'll leave it at that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. Were you a little drunk when you wrote that post? (or maybe hung over?) I only ask because of the Homer-like "dough" instead of "though." :P

Got your text message, but not until after Thanksgiving. I can't get service up at my grandparents! Sounds like you and Charles had fun!