Friday, July 22, 2005

Chillin In Snowmass

Typing here in the hotel room. Not really a hotel I guess. It's a "lodge." Nice place with friendly employees.

Right now I'm watching the VH1 countdown of the 40 Most Awesomely Bad Dirty Songs ever. There commentary on all these VH1 shows crack me up. So far, we've seen, Whomp There It Is by Tag Team, I Want Action Tonight by Poison, and Bump, Bump, Bump by B2K. Quality songs I tell you. Were at 30 to go, so we have quality and quantity. What more could you ask for? I can't believe I don't have cable for all this educational programming.

So the reason I'm in Snowmass is for my first National Mountain Bike Series race. NMBS or National for short. This course is usually a 13 mile loop. Steep, long climbs, tough rolling single track, and some nice singletrack descents. Oh sorry, I just noticed that Dirty is actually Dirrty. Oh boy, I Touch Myself by The DiVinyls.

Anyway, back to tomorrows race. They essentially cut the course in half, but we still only have to do two laps. That will make the race about an hour shorter than in previous years, and it will be fast fast fast.

I felt pretty good pre-riding the course today, so I hope to feel at least that good tomorrow. I was feeling pretty questionable earlier this week due to a couple of stressful weeks at work and some intense training. Not a good combo, but I think I'm on the rebound. Hopefully the race at Winter Park a couple of weekends ago is an indication of things to come. Let's just hope my stomach cooperates.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your race went well!