Monday, October 08, 2007

Strange Brewings

Can't see much there, but that's it. The first batch of what is hopefully many more to come. Charles and Diane were my co-brewers. Thanks guys!

Speaking of strange brewings. The Rockies actually look like they are genuinely good, and the Broncos are giving every indication that they truly suck.

This week is the Great American Beer Festival. I'm actually going to the Saturday day session, but there are a slew of unofficial events starting tonight. I've gone ahead and called in drunk Monday through Wednesday, and I have Thursday and Friday off officially. Should be a good time. I see a pint of Stone's 10th Anniversary in my future.


Anonymous said...

Looks like hot chocolate. Does it taste like hot chocolate? Because I could go for some of that.

ALAN said...

Probably won't taste like hot chocolate, but you have a bottle with your name on it if you like.