Saturday, February 11, 2006


Well, I've been to Devil's Thumb several times over the last few years. I always think, man there are some great views here. I should bring my camera. Here are the pictures.
The view of the Divide from one of the loop areas. This area used to be my favorite area to ski until they had to close some of the trails due to the infamous pine beetle. If you look closely, you can see the name sake of the ranch, Devil's Thumb. Here is a close up anyway.

So, as you can see, it's a beautiful area, and it has 160k of trails. You used to be able to get away from people for the most part, but that has really changed in the last year. You just have to head to the long and/or steep climbs. I like that more and more people are becoming involved in this sport, but there isn't quite the friendly atmosphere that there used to be. I said hello to several people today that just looked at me funny in response. God forbid you have fun while you are outside exercising.

Speaking of God, and on to the next finally. I've found religion. Now I know what you are thinking if you've read my blog. You are thinking, I thought you were patently against religion. I guess all I can say is sometimes people change. Now, I'm a Pastafarian. This is an image of my new god.
You can find out more about my new religion here.

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